S u m m e r

“Use plenty of brightly-colored fruits and vegetables, and enjoy creating beautiful meals. Cook foods lightly, and regularly add a bit of fiery spice and flavor. When sautéing, use high heat for a very short time, and steam or simmer foods as quickly as possible. Use less salt and more water.” - Healing with Whole Foods

The Fire Element
healing and balancing Ingredients

Whole Grains | B Vitamins & Magnesium
For heart health, incorporate more whole grains.
The healing properties of the germ and bran in whole wheat and unprocessed rice have protective qualities for our heart & nerves.
Try pairing farro, einkorn, millet or couscous as a side with grilled vegetables and protein for a nourishing evening meal.

Herbs & Spices
Dill, basil, cilantro, lemon balm, tarragon, mint, chamomile, schisandra berries, smoked paprika, cayenne, chili pepper

Cooling Fruits & Vegetables
Cucumber, celery, fresh lettuces, celery and lettuce juice, wheatgrass shots, barley grass, mushrooms

Magnesium-rich & Green Foods
Spinach, avocados, tofu, brown rice, almonds, nuts & seeds, potatoes, bananas, dark chocolate, spirulina, edamame, whole grains

Seasonal Produce
Blueberries, raspberries, melons, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, peas, carrots, cucumber, broccoli, beets, eggplant, summer squash, greens

The Bitter Flavor
Lemon, lime, cruciferous vegetables, red cabbage, kale, tahini, coffee, green tea

Eating to Align with Summer Energy

Incorporate more variety and inspiration into planning meals that include an abundance of fresh, seasonal produce.

When the weather is hot and stifling, it is natural to eat less. Foods that help cool our system include fresh fruit (especially melons and berries), sprouts, cucumbers, and tofu. It is also helpful to include a bit of spicy flavor in our meals during the hottest weather. The dispersing quality of fiery spice helps keep heat near the surface of our body, allowing us to acclimate to the rising temperatures.

Jalapeño salsa, hot peppers sliced into a Thai-inspired salad, or a dash of cayenne pepper- these are all wonderful ways to gently incorporate more seasonal spiciness into a Summer menu. Draw inspiration from global dishes and cuisines that incorporate spiciness; fire is a common element eaten throughout the hottest regions of the World.

The Summer is a fabulous time to host parties and socialize. Arrange a wildflower bouquet and enjoy a beautiful tapas-style dinner with friends, reveling and sharing in all of Summer’s bountiful produce. It is also helpful to remember to eat a more varied diet in order to replace the essential minerals that we lose from our body as we sweat.

Lunchtime can be an excellent opportunity to cool off and help replenish electrolytes. Try a smoothie with coconut water and plenty of fresh berries. Working lunches can offer an opportunity to try fun arrangements of colorful vegetables, piled high on local lettuce with a delightful lemony dressing.

Summer is the most Yang and outwardly-focused of all of the seasons. Enjoy this magnificent time to linger at the table with loved ones, and plan exciting culinary adventures to experience fresh meals & inspiration. Grilling, sautéing, searing and raw preparations of foods are most enjoyable, as we work to align with the upbeat and externally-focused direction of our energy.

The Inner Classic defines the heart as “Yin within Yang”. Therefore, it is helpful to remember that a bit of heat in our diet can actually help keep us cool, as too much of anything in one direction leads to the opposite. This is the understanding of Yin & Yang. It is helpful and beneficial to cool the body by eating cucumbers, but it is also supportive to ingest some fiery spice and upbeat flavors to keep us attuned to the energy of the Summertime! Try listening to your intuition, and allowing that to guide you throughout the day. Most importantly, have FUN and enjoy the blissful, creative process that is cooking with the abundant foods from our local farms and gardens!

Need more guidance? Let’s explore a personalized menu plan together.

Plant-Based Meal Program

One month of personal wellness coaching. Includes seasonal plant-based recipes and progress check-ins.